There is a level of influence or progress we have in life, career or marketplace, it becomes a tool in the hand of God to advance the Kingdom. That is why we cannot but pay attention to our life or career or finances and business.
Proverbs 4:18 NKJV “But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.”
The testimony of a believer is not in the past, apart from salvation that happened a long time ago. The only testimony that is in the past is our eternal reality or salvation.
We are SAVED, REDEEMED, JUSTIFIED, ACCEPTED, CLEANSED, FORGIVEN etc. The testimony of a believer in this side of eternity as touching life here is not in the past. The scripture says “Shines”.
Proverbs 4:18 TPT “But the lovers of God walk on the highway of light, and their way shines brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”
A life of a believer should be from glory to glory, faith upon faith, increase upon increase.
Psalms 71:21 NKJV “You shall increase my greatness, And comfort me on every side.”
God is not interested in our failure or wants us to manage through life. Being a believer doesn’t make us backwards. The reason we are not doing well in life is not because we are a believer or we come to church.
We have no excuse to progress in life. We have more time in our hand, we perhaps are not maximizing. It is not because we are involved in church activities that make us not to progress in life. The time we spend in Church does not affect our progress in life. The percentage we give to “Kingdom advancement” is not even up to 20%.
If we assume that we spend 20% in church weekly, so the question will be what are people doing with the 80%? Why do we now think it is because we are a Christian that we are not making progress? Some of us also believe that it is because we are not collecting bribes or involved in shady business that is why we are not making progress.they are people who don’t do all this, and their life is making progress.
Isaac is a template in the scripture that shows us what God can do with a life. Such that a whole nation gathered and said they envied him.
It is not what you earn, it is what you do with what you earn that matters. It is not church, it is not our commitment in church, it is not our devotion to God, it is not our kingdom pursuit or our desire for kingdom advancement that will cause our life to be backward and to experience setbacks in life.
We are meant to make others be persuaded of Christ as we pursue our faith religiously. We are not meant to live our lives carelessly because heaven is the goal.
We should not put the blame on our service to God as the reason for not taking the right steps that will make us grow. That you are committed to ministry and your heart is in the gospel does not permit you not to face your life.
There is a life you should live here. Learn to strike a good and godly balance between your faith and your earthly needs and responsibilities. Try not to forget yourself so that you don’t become a bad representation for those coming up in faith.
Channel the same passion you have for the faith also to your life. You must make progress.
If you hinge your kingdom service on the fact that every other thing shall be added, do read and understand that scripture well. No one has received the reward the father promised yet.
What Christ came to do for us is not career progression. What you failed to get from a failed governmental system and your own career choices is not a solution Christ came to offer.
We should take responsibility for our growth. We shouldn’t wait for prophecies to be fulfilled while we fold our arms.
2 Corinthians 12:15
I will be very glad to spend and be spent with you.
In allowing ourselves to be spent means we can groan, give and go. However, most believers only give their to anything related to the church but do not want to give.
Some believers can give their time. We should love to spend and be spent as regarding the gospel.
Paul has to spend himself, as he was found groaning and going.
This is why we should not give and not groan and go. Even when we are groaning or going and we do not give. The whole counsel of God is to be able to do these three.We must plan our giving in our income. This is why in a month we should have wanted to give. As a believer we must learn how to budget. We must have a plan. The question remains whether we should be faithful.
The whole giving in the scripture is about generosity. Under the new testament, He Lord loves generous keep.
The writer in Psalms used it intentionally. Meaning the “palm tree is useful. This is why every area of life should carry value.
Psalms 92:12-15 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Those that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;
To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
Age is not a cage. We must not waste our lives. We must wake up and face life as we serve. We must direct our energy to growth.
We must not waste our lives. We should save our career. The 40% we have acclaimed to be using for God let us use it and focus it in our career.
As a believer in Christ we should never be found jumping classes all in the name of God being called to start ministry. We must understand why we are going to school.
We do not have the excuse that we are busy.
We are not busy. We do not just know how to manage resources. If we are not advancing in our project and career we cannot do much as regarding the kingdom advancement. We must not get used to the point we are comfortable with the level we are in our careers and crafts. We must be able to track what has been added to us.
Entering a new year doesn’t guarantee a new you but your commitment to your goals and visions. It is required that we strive to have a good, Godly and God glorifying balance in our kingdom versus earthly roles and responsibilities.
There is a need for you to be aware of your limitations, face it and deal with it.
We must ensure that your passion for Jesus keeps growing day by day, we should be consistent in learning about Christ. Our taste or his knowledge must keep growing even as we pursue life.
We should ensure that we represent Christ well wherever we find ourselves. I will enjoin you to have a burden for your life. While you prioritise the kingdom, you need to ensure you build yourself. The joy of knowing Jesus cannot match the joy of getting a need met. However, serving God is not primarily for meeting our needs but for us to take over nations for him through the gospel and then our resources.