Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
When we read through this particular scripture we quickly conclude that the context refers to marriage, however, it tends more to alliance, more like a community, it talks about a network. It speaks volume of synergy. Meaning that one plus one equals three and not two. It assumes that when more two individuals or entities come together, their resources are pulled and they will be able to achieve much more than what one person would have achieved alone..
Consequently, when we read two are better than one, it doesn’t refer to one man and one woman, rather it refers to a community.
It basically reinforces the value attached to the coming together of people, of brotherhood. No matter how blessed and resourceful you think you are, if you don’t open up and embrace people God has sent your way or planted around your life, there are places you may not get to in life.
Whenever you pray for God’s help, you should also ask who he is sending. Many are stranded today because they have not been able to discern or recognize who God is sending. This is because they have failed to understand the dealings of God.
While you think someone is great, such a person received help at some point. So, don’t think help isn’t essential. While men received help because people came through for them, we have come to understand that God our maker is our helper. Therefore, if God does not help a man, no one can raise his finger to do so.. The reason we trust God for help is because the heart of kings is in his hands, he directs it the way he pleases.
You also do not need to have so much to be a giver. If you happen to need help, have you tried being the help someone within your sphere needs? You cannot be the receiver only.
When we read that two is better than one, it is because the capacity to help one another is available.
When a man is stranded for too long, check out., his relationship is very weak. He may have challenges relating with people. Another thing that you should be mindful of is being ignorant and then arrogant at the same time. You may not see what God is doing and your ego may block you from receiving help.
Moses was sent to help the Israelites but they didn’t receive him. He started out by killing an Egyptian but that wasn’t what God planned for, he wanted an Exodus.
Exodus is not only a book but about the exit from the land of Egypt. The people that should be saved by Moses did not believe in him. They kept asking who made him lord over them.
Exodus 2:11-12
Offence had covered their eyes. So much ignorance limited them. We must occupy where we are. Weakness of character, weakness of leadership will make a man have an inferiority complex having being compared with their partners. It is not evil that a woman should have more money than a man. The man will see the woman as proud. The man should grow up in his capacity for judgement. The woman will become submissive if he gets himself on his responsibility.
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.
For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up…
Though one may be overpowered. What would have overpowered one will not over two or three. A threefold cord cannot be easily broken but we have one that cannot be overpowered and that is God.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
There are men that we cannot overpower or do away with. However, it is God that cannot be overpowered. Our eyes are on Him. We are talking about the circle of helpers. We have seen men in their lowest state.
Divine helpers are those who God has chosen to use in showing up for us. He chose and orchestrated them for us. He wants to show us that they are the helper. These are people that are ahead of us. There are people that God has blessed by virtue of what they will do for us.
God has chosen men. We must recognize who the helper is. They can come in different shades that this is what God can do for us. He provides them for us in order to fulfil his plan for our lives.
They help us to navigate the critical moments and seasons in our lives. They link us to the highest position since they are well placed. They set the delivery of our future. They are included in our lives as they are well placed.
They go the extra mile so that they can assist us. They do this as though those issues are theirs. They are our own allies. They use their network to open doors for us.
There are four kinds of DIVINE HELPERS.
Most of these divine connectors do not need to be financially buoyant. They do not look like they can provide the help at first interaction.
This bible reference speaks about a commander who won several battles but there is a battle in life that he could not win. The Lord wrought victory through him in Syria but there is something in his life that he could not overcome. He was Leper…
In one of the wars he went for, an Israelite girl was captured and she became a maid to Naaman’s wife. She was the one who referred her master to Prophet Elisha.
As a matter of fact, this young lady has information that Naaman didn’t have which is pivotal to his healing. Naaman approached this help with some level of ego that
He asked “can’t I swim in those other rivers and be clean?” then be walked away in arrogance. Afterwards, he went down and dipped himself in the water as instructed by the prophet, then his flesh was restored.
2 Kings 5:1-14
Sometimes you have to calm down and be humble to receive help. The little girl was able to offer help to Naman although not directly.
David went to battle one day and when he returned, Ziklag had been invaded in 1 Samuel 30:11-20 we see that Ziklag had been invaded, people burnt down, they came back and the men that followed David became angry, stones were thrown at him and everybody wept. David inquired of the Lord and God spoke to him that he will overtake and recover all.
As powerful as that prophecy was, David needed help. Then David met a young boy who gave him classified information that helped him overcome the battle. With the information received he was able to recover all.
Most times the people that will connect you to your next level may not look like it, you only ignore them at your own peril. Help people to grow. Don’t treat any young person badly.
Secondly we have people called MEN OF ACCESS, gatekeepers, men of great influence. They may not give you money but they know where to open doors. Even Jesus needed one. Prophecy had come in the scriptures that “he will not suffer the holy one to see corruption” meaning the body of Jesus will not decay.
Psalm 16:10
For the prophecy to be fulfilled, Jesus needed a connector. Sometimes prophecies come to you but for it to come to pass, you will need help. God is a master strategy. You can’t make a prophecy come to pass.
In Matthew 27: 57-60 we see that Joseph of Arimathea who was a notable man requested the body of Jesus. Some people do not even expect that help can come, they rely so much on their personal earnings. When Joseph of Arimathea requested the body of Jesus, Pilate commanded his soldiers to give him the body of Jesus.
God is always steps ahead of the devil.
Access gives way for opportunities, and you need people of access to bring prophecies to come to pass. Many people wait on God without realising that the help they needed has been dispatched because pride fills their heart. With help surrounding them, they still don’t realise this because of pride.
More importantly, if you are opportuned to help others, do it without bragging or feeling proud. Joseph, after providing the linen needed for Jesus’ burial – he (Joseph) didn’t brag about it.
Moreover, the message here is that the prophecy of Jesus was fulfilled by the means of the help of a man.
Joseph of Arimathea went all the way to seek for the body of Christ from Pilate instead of leaving Him (Jesus) to the birds of the air. Currently, the body of Christ is the church and we need to go the extra mile for the church.
GIFTED PEOPLE – Some people come to your life, not necessarily with finances but they are gifted with wisdom and knowledge. You need such people around you, especially when you’re someone that has a dream and vision – you need people to walk into your life to make that vision/dream fulfilled.
The whole book of Chronicles highlights the details of the men that came to help David and they came to ensure that David became a king. The book of 1 Chronicles 15, highlights men referred to as helpers in war who came to help David achieve one goal – which is to make him king. Likewise, in the wars of life, you need helpers ordained from God; you need helpers while fighting.
Whether it be an economical war, spiritual war or (financial) stability war or you’re called to fulfil the agenda of God, there are helpers in the war that you need.
You need helpers of war to bring you to a stage of stability and fulfilment.
Additionally, David was a skilful man and those that came to help him were highlighted as helpers in war, skilful men of valour – it is who you are that you’ll attract.
Everybody wanted David to be King. They were all in the fight. They had only one assignment, they came with skillfulness, expertise and much more importantly, they came with a loyal heart. They were loyal people and their assignment was to see David sit on the throne.
How far you will go in the fight/war over your life depends on the quality of helpers that are around you. You need gifted men, skilled men, experts, men with resources, men that have the heart of God and the heart for you.
So when next you pray that God should help you, ask that your eyes of understanding be opened.
Lastly, BURDEN BEARERS: They are those that carry your matter on their head. They don’t get tired easily about the affairs of your life.
As a matter of fact, any of these first three (Divine connector, Men Of Access and Gifted Men)can also be burden bearers
Some burden bearer won’t give you money but they are always on their knees praying for you.
Not everyone that is saying “we are praying for you/ we are with you in the spirit” are actually praying for you. Don’t rely on them but truthfully there are men that are actually keeping you in the place of prayer, these are burden bearers. That is their assignment in your life.
You need such people in your life. They are praying for you. God gives us some men that can carry our matter on their head.
They come in different ways, sizes and forms. They just want to see you fulfilled and happy. You need such men to actually get to where God wants you to get to.
2 kings 4:8-10: Tells us the story of how the shunamite woman was a burden bearer for Elijah.
Jesus had a burden bearer too. Luke 8:1-3.
Epaphras was also a burden bearer to the saint and his assignment was that they should stand perfect and complete in all the Will of God.
Collosians 4:4, Phillipians 4:14-19 The church in Philippians were also a burden bearer to Paul.
God is the one that can take a man to where he has destined him to. However, to make that come to pass, he needs extensions. He needs people that recognize themselves as the hand of God. To ensure that the agenda of God comes to pass.
In summary, you need Divine connectors, you need men of Access, you need gifted people and you need burden bearers. If you will become all that the father has ordained you to be, you need these calibre and dimensions of men in your life.
2 Corinthians 1:24, 2 Timothy 1:8.