2 Timothy 4:5 – 8
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
This scripture is saying just one thing not several things: The fight is the fight of faith, the race is also the race of faith, I have kept the faith is just a further explanation to what Paul was referring to.
And it is very clear and easy for us to deduce that because if we look at the life of Paul, then we should be able to trace this utterance. If Paul said he has fought the good fight, he has finished the race and he has kept the faith, what race was he referring to? What race did he engage in? What race did he win? It is a race and fight of faith.
– Pillars of our faith (What do we do with the faith)
1) We received the faith. Receiving the faith is getting saved. Opening our heart to receive what the lord has done for us through Christ Jesus.
2) We believe in faith.
3) We live and practise the faith.
4) We preach this faith.
5) We defend and preserve the faith.
Making a declaration is living out the faith such that we will be standing in the faith till Jesus will come. And if we have not believed it, if we are not living it we can’t actually preach it boldly. The preaching of our faith is built around the fact that we have received, believe and we are living it and you can boldly declare it as a living witness to that faith.
And of course preaching that faith sometimes will require us defending the faith, contending and standing for that faith. This is how Paul lived his life. That is why he can say he has fought a good fight, he has finished the race and has kept the faith. That is all Paul lived his life for and that is Christianity.
We can use our faith to appropriate healings, to receive from God, but it is for us, it is not the race before us. We will live a good, godly, beautiful buoyant life. However, all of that will end here on earth.
2 Timothy 4:8 NKJV
“Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearance.”
This explains that the crown of righteousness is not needed in this side of eternity. It means that the crown of righteousness is something that is waiting. It is not required here. That is not what we need on this side of eternity to survive but we can appropriate the faith of the son of God for our healing or provision.
Christianity is receiving, believing, living, preaching and defending the faith. Preaching and defending the faith is the core part of the race set before us. The faith as we know is the GOSPEL and our race is our MINISTRY, we doing the work of an EVANGELIST, is the TEACHING AND PREACHING OF THE GOSPEL. That is our race.
There are several things that are built around the race and if care is not taken we will substitute them for the race.
There is a rule of engagement to this race. One of the rules of this game is that you run to win. You run to obtain, because there is a crown waiting. For you to get the crown there is something that you must obtain. In different areas of your life you must have that clarity of goal attached to your running in life. Paul is saying that, ” whenever you see me doing ministry, running this race of faith, my goal is to win.” If you are not built in this manner you will be very careless and thoughtless.
In your career run to win. Don’t run aimlessly. As the church we must have goals for souls with a sense of clarity. There are things that are expected of us to obtain the crown. There is a job requirement attached to the crown.
YOU RUN WITH DISCIPLINE. Discipline is required to win this race. Discipline talks about training and practice to develop self control, habits or skills. It is a systemic approach to govern your behaviour.
Oftentimes, it involves rules, regulations and consequences. A disciplined person is restrained, has a structured approach to learning or behavior, is consistent, has a sense of accountability and responsibility, goal oriented, focused and has self control.
If you don’t have a structured lifestyle you might not achieve so much in life. Do not leave everything to chance. In the biblical context discipline is also attributed to spiritual growth. You must come to a place where you are trusting God to help you. There is a level of discipline required in your business to move it up.
In Acts 26:16, scriptures show that Paul was very clear about the purpose of God for his life.
Paul has never been confused about the purpose of God in his life. Hence, when Paul will run, it is to fulfil this purpose.
2nd Timothy 3:10 “But you, Timothy, have closely followed my example and the truth that I’ve imparted to you. You have modelled your life after the love and endurance I’ve demonstrated in my ministry by not giving up. The faith I have, you now have”. This shows that Paul had a manner of life.
As far as Paul was concerned he was not running with uncertainty; he had a purpose, a certainty in the race he was running.
So when you say purpose it means a reason or object behind something such as a goal or aim and this further reiterates that Paul had a clear aim or goal.
It’s a clear direction or aim that guides one’s actions, decisions and efforts; a sense of meaning or significance that drives an individual or organisation’s existence.
Yes, people have preached to us and spoken to us about purpose but it still doesn’t mean everyone has to agree with the purpose of their life.
Clear Purpose determines how your day is spent and sometimes how your day is spent determines how your week is spent which in turn affects how you spend your month and that in turn also affects how you spend your year.
Clarity of purpose affects our actions and the reason or intentions behind the things we do.
As believers we should be able to determine the driving force of our lives. We should bear in mind that our sole responsibility on earth is to please the one that sent us.
Hebrews 12:1,3
The rule of the race is to run with patience and perseverance. Hebrews 6:12
2 Thessalonians 1:4, 2 Corinthians 6:4,
Patience to run Luke 8 : 15.
Things don’t happen in a hurry. Trees don’t bear fruit in a hurry .
You need patience. As a matter of fact the most valuable type of crops (cash crops) take time to grow mature and bear fruit hence there is a level of patience that is required for you to actually watch things grow.
There is a level of patience that is required for you to get to a point where you mature and begin to bear fruit in your life.
There is a level of patience required to work things. Sometimes in a career you need patience to get experience.
Discipline is required at every point to pick up some basic rudiments.
Patience and perseverance is required to run the race.
As an evangelist, patience is required in making disciples.
Paul ran the race with patience and perseverance. He was beaten one day when he went out to preach.
Acts 14:19-20
Patience is the ability to endure difficult or unpleasant situations without becoming agitated or upset.
The willingness to wait calmly and diligently for something that is anticipated. You need to embrace patience in life..
2 Timothy 2:4, Acts 20:24
Paul’s goal was to finish his race with joy. The ministry he has received is to testify of the gospel of the Lord Jesus.