In Romans 12:2, there are 2 issues raised, conformation and transformation. You don’t require much to conform but require a lot to be transformed. One of the things that brings transformation to the mind is to begin to embrace the things that bring renewal to the mind. Once the mind can be transformed, a man can be transformed. So the transformation of the mind is the transformation of the man, likewise, the renewal of the mind leads to the renewal of the man. Transformation begins in the mind of a man.

In Proverbs 4:23, 23:7 we see that what determines what a man looks like, is, his thoughts, and his reasoning, the renewal of his mind. As a man thinks, so is he. Nobody thinks beyond his level of mind transformation. The transformation of the mind determines the direction, components, details, and dynamics of your thinking. The transformation that happens to the minds of people greatly influences the way they reason and talk. The mind of a man determines the growth of the man, so as he thinks, he is. It’s a continuous thing. It is supposed to be embraced daily.

The efforts you put into your life are what determine if you like yourself. The Bible says in Proverbs 19:8 that he who gets wisdom is the man who loves his soul. So the man who loves his soul is the man who is doing everything to get wisdom. So you don’t claim to love yourself until we see the corresponding action to show that you want to make your life better. The level where you are today is a function of wisdom and understanding that have come to you. The day you have a deeper understanding and reasoning about life, you will begin to operate on a higher pedestal. The day you are open to greater understanding, you will have greater results.

The operating system of a device is what determines its effectiveness and it can be upgraded per time for better efficiency. So as humans, we cannot go beyond the operating system that we are, and our operating system is the level of knowledge and understanding that we have. The bible says Jesus increased in wisdom, so the level of wisdom Jesus had, determined the way he operated. The operating system he was carrying at that time was beyond his age. The reason was that there was a system installed in him that was being upgraded per time that affected the way he behaved and interacted, that when he speaks people marvel and say what ‘manner of a child is this.’

Proverbs 24:3, A house is built through wisdom and through knowledge it is established. God created heaven and the earth on the platform of wisdom.

As individuals we must endeavour to appreciate daily whatever brings us to a new height of wisdom; keep it in view , ensure to always attain new heights of wisdom and also embrace clear thinking.

Thus the scriptures tell us that Jesus had a priority for, a priority to do or  get involved with things that bring Him to a new level of knowledge or mental growth.

Reading the scriptures Proverbs 23:7 tells us “wisdom is the principal thing; so therefore get wisdom” .

Therefore, it is wise to be wise; you must do or pay whatever it takes to get wisdom because “your improved version is what is required from you per time to do life”. 

One prerequisite to show that you love yourself is to desire wisdom and mental growth. It all boils down to the effort you put into it. You must not only just put everything to faith but should also put in corresponding action.

Proverbs 7:11 There is a way of wisdom, there is a path to and a part of wisdom that if you walk in that way you will be wise. One of the parts that God leads us is a path of wisdom.

Proverbs 12:8; You determine your placement. Some people are commended, some are despised, so you choose your camp. In the school of life, people are rated by their level of reasoning/understanding. On your resume your choice of word should be in past tense; “I led, I grew, I increased”. Speak more of what you have done.

At some point in life,  we don’t look for a job, we look for the things that will improve our worth and it is not only money, money is just an extra. You should be afraid of any situation or circumstance that keeps you on a spot for too long. If our WHYs are not strong enough, we give up too soon.

Life can’t continue on that level, you can’t be depending on people. So, you are not married, you are a young man and you are afraid to walk, if you don’t trek now then you are postponing your trekking. Walk! get up, face life, go all out. Choose between handouts and empowerment, if you want  hand outs then you will keep getting stipends and you will still come back to ask for the hand outs. I got tired of hand outs about ten years ago, and I went on a tough journey to get the change I desired, and I have never recovered from that.  It is whatever you don’t put your mind to that won’t yield a positive outcome, embrace the process and processes that moves you forward and increase you, have a posture for growth. 

You claim you like yourself but you don’t , the only way I know you like yourself is when I see how you’ve been able to drive and motivate yourself to get better, when you see the supernatural awaiting you which is waiting for you to step in and take action.

I wish someone told me all this so many years ago, but we thank God for where we are today, because I woke up from my sleep and slumber, but I want you to wake up and embrace everything and anything that brings growth and increase to you. Listen, age is just a number, age should not be a cage. Put the pressure on yourself, any process that will make you better, go for it, spiritually, financially, career wise. 

I have not seen the better version of you yet, you are far away from what God wants you to be in life, there is something much more about me in the mind of God if only I can capture the vision or possibilities and be willing to do everything God will give me grace to do to that best version. A friend of mine was saying he has been on a cruise of regret, looking back and realising how he has wasted opportunities, and he lamented and lamented, I could only encourage him. He looked at his life and saw abandoned projects and programs.

We should put pressure on ourselves deliberately. Jesus grew in wisdom. He hangs around places and people that will build him. That he grew in wisdom is a product of several practices.  

Ecclesiastes 7:12, wisdom is a defence just as money is. You shouldn’t be low in any. The dimensions and the level of your wisdom determines the increase of  the flow of money into your hands. The stronger one is in the coefficient of wisdom determines how strong he is in the area of finance. A man that is strong in finance and is not growing in wisdom will start losing the finance. Such a man will not have the capacity to multiply. The biggest challenge about money is not making it.  

There is a level of wisdom required to manage and multiply finance. Whatever the Lord does abides forever. Therefore, he doesn’t want us to just have suddenly he also wants us to grow up so that we can maintain what comes to our hand.  Wisdom is superior to money, it means that when you are growing in wisdom you will surely grow in money. There are very small chances that you will not abound in finance when you are growing in wisdom. It may not be soon but you will surely have it. You will attract it, you will not chase it because people want what you have to offer. The best gifts in life are not the things that move from one hand or bank account to another but those that move from mind to mind. 

A man can be generous enough to give you financial support but the greatest gift he’d give you is the content of his mind.

Money is not for spending but for the eradication of poverty.  The purpose of money is to make you never to be broke again. There is a level of wisdom that must be generated for that to happen, else, it will be from one paycheck to another. It is better that you desire less what is in the hands of men but more of what is in their minds. Desire less what people drive but what drives them. If what they drive is your problem then you are on the wrong path. Better still discover the project they are running. Discover what they are doing to be different and get results. You should know your circle well enough. 

We should know the difference between acquaintances and friends. Someone we have not seen for so many years is our acquaintance.  We should be very deliberate and very intentional, we will be very spiritual, we will be agents of fire, we will learn Christ, we will be agents of revival, we will do life with it. However, no one can do the work of ministry with an empty stomach because that is not God’s desire for us.  We will learn the ways of the Lord and hold dearly the things of the Kingdom. There is a reason why our lives must move forward. It is for us to be a vessel for the Lord, and to live for the Lord. 

On the other hand, poverty also has its function in destroying relationships and marriages. Be a good son or a good daughter. We must be responsible adults. That should be our passion for this month. We must not meet Christ and say we lived too low than our potential. All the privileges and rights Jesus gave us must be utilised. Redemption is not the same thing as reduction. 

The fact that we are Christians does not make us less. 

We have no excuse. Let us wake up. We do not need to access people’s accounts. We only need to access what is in their heart. What is in their mind will bring what is in their hand to be known and in their account. It is a poor mindset not to ask how to fish but asking fishes to eat. Engage the minds of people that when you leave their presence you leave with so much to run with. 

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