Ephesians 3:20-21 NKJV “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”
Exceedingly abundantly is describing the extent of God’s ability. The responsible for his doings is that there is a power that works in us.
Ephesians 1:18-20 NKJV “the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, [19] and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power [20] which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly place,”
The scripture explains the evident of the exceeding greatness of the power of God that it is the power that raised Jesus from the dead. There is nothing that power cannot accomplish in our lives this year. There is no greater miracle than raising Jesus from the dead. So, there is nothing that cannot come back to life with the power of God.
There are two dimensions of that power: The power that works in us AND the power that works towards us. The same power operating and functioning in different ways. The power of God works in us and works towards us.
Exceeding greatness is qualifying the word power. That means there are great powers or men that has great powers. Our focus this year should be that there is nothing Jesus cannot do.
The two dimensions of God’s power: The power that works in us which is the holy ghost and the power that works towards us is the doings of God; the supernatural act of God. The power that makes things happen in our life and around our life.
The power of God is not just the presence of the holy ghost in our life which is the most important, but this power is also towards us that believe. It can adjust, align our life.
The only qualification to be a partaker of the exceedingly is that we are believers. We believe in Christ because we believe that God sent his son to die for our sins and he was buried then the father also raised him from the dead.
Believing in that is what set us up for the supernatural. It starts from new birth experience into the family of God/ a relationship with God.
Salvation brings man to the household of God. It is the biggest thing that can happen to a believer. The greatest thing a man can enjoy is His salvation.
The greatness of God’s power is towards a believer. The doings of God is far exceeding for the believer. Such a man is a man in Christ. This is why we must learn Christ. Not everyone knows Him. So many are in the church but do not know Him. They only know hymns but they do not know Him.
They grew up singing hymns but have not come in contact with Him. They have been so used to the language.
This is why as a believer we must not be found running the year as a man without assurance in Christ.
If you know you have not accepted Him as your Lord and saviour, we can say, “Lord Jesus come into my heart. I believe You died for me. Lord Jesus come into my heart. I believe you are raised for my justification. I believe you have washed my sins away. I receive your forgiveness.”
We should emphasize that we have all believed. This is done so that no one is doubting and that we know we are saved. We need that assurance that we are believers in Christ. We are born of God.
We must begin to lay emphasis on His abilities to do. He is a doing God. He is able to do abundantly. He is able to do regardless of our situation – health, finances, ministry, career.
We have a blank cheque to be filled by us. We are not boxing God into one thing. If it is greatness, it will be exceedingly. If it is intervention of God in any area it will be exceedingly.
This is the exceedingly greatness of His power. Whatsoever we may think- desires, hope, aspirations and expectation; He can do exceedingly.
This year We would be having exceeded expectations. We know He will do exceedingly because we would pray and think. We would exceed expectations in our space. This is because He can do exceedingly. While we think it will be done and writing what should be done, we would have it finally that all that He will do will be exceedingly above them.
This year it is going to be expectation that is exceeded. There are things that will happen. All will be done. None will be carried over to the next year.
We need speed and we need favour for things to happen. We need God to showcase His power and grace. We need Him to move on our behalf. He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly.
He is able to fix any health conditions concerning what the doctors have said. Whose report are we to believe? He is above science and the medicals, though they are His wisdom. He can fix the health condition! We need to come boldly and before. He is able to do.
For this reason we must thank Him for His ability to do. He bring answers to our hearts. Confusion of many years will come to an end. He can do exceedingly. This doing is attached to something-which is Power.
Paul in Ephesians 1:17-20, qualified the word “power” is “His exceeding greatness.
If we would experience the order of the exceeding greatness of His power we would need to pray. This is the reason we need to be daring. We must not hold back. We must think small. We must not restrain. We must be daring to ask. What makes the power exceeding is exceeding itself.
If we can dare to ask, there is one that is able to do. We would watch our thoughts. Our thoughts is as powerful as our prayer. Our thoughts do come before. This is why as we are thinking He hears. We must be careful and intentional with our thoughts.
We would be deliberate with it. Our thoughts must be inspired by the Lord. Our thoughts must not be about the impossibility. Our thoughts must be to the intent that men will ask “how ?”
Think of possibilities this new year. God needs us to dare him this year, to ask him for unimaginable things, because your asking will never meet his supply. There is no hope or vision or dream that will be overwhelming on God. There is nothing you will ask that will meet up with his ability to do and supply.
This year if you want to have a consistent walk with God, ask. If you need certain dimensions of revelation and the light of God to flood through your life, understanding of the word of God, soul winning, financial stability, don’t be afraid to ask.
To sustain an increase, there must be an inflow. The way to abundance is consistent inflow. This year dare to ask God for growth in your business.
There must be a consistent breakthrough for men to be established. In 2nd Corinthians 4:13, the Bible assures us that God daily loads us with benefits. God is interested in every day of our lives.
The all sufficient God is assuring us to rest on him this year because he is able to do more than we can ask or think according to the power that works in us. There are dynamics of the supernatural that exceed our expectations.
There are dynamics of the supernatural that exceed our expectations. We would not be lazy, nor depending on others to survive. Children can’t be begging for food and we’ll be praying or declaring faith. We prefer using our faith for bigger things other than for food. It’s a structure and God has structured it and given you work, there are things you can fix.
Pastor. gave an example of one of us that was looking for a house and he’s been crying to God and said any house he wants to get should be within a month income. Pastor encouraged him to believe in God and not borrow. He paid the rent yesterday and apparently they raised his salary 100% so what he’s earning now can pay the rent conveniently every month.
The reason why people are not making meaningful progress in life is that we earn, we eat from hand to mouth. It’s not like you don’t make money, you make money but it’s from hand to mouth. It’s not sufficient to leave behind others to add up consistently for increase. The longer you stay on that track, the slower it is to come to the streams of wealth as in financial rest, financial independence. Pastor encouraged us to work and don’t be lazy.
We have prayed and fasted, it’s time to hit the road hence we changed our fasting from the month of January to December. Somebody will be fasting all through January and some will be saying when fasting ends they’ll begin. Most people don’t get to start their year till fasting is over.
Pastor. heard something that blew his mind, it states “why will you start a new year in a new year?” Apparently, the person said he starts his year in October, whatever he wants to begin would have started in the year before so it’s easy for him to continue. Most people are looking for energy and momentum to start, it’s something that should be on the table already. You shouldn’t be looking for what to do, you should have a set goal. You’re running a race that is set before you already. Pastor went on to encourage us to start 2026 from October. Start small, put the plan in place. Like he has said earlier, you don’t have to start something new every new year or have a new vision every year. It’s continuum, the life you want to live didn’t start this year, you’re living towards that life. Running to ensure that it comes to pass.
He’s not of the opinion that you can’t start new projects but you don’t have to start all over every year. You can expand and enlarge an existing business. The best thing that can happen to you is enlarging what is in your hand, taking it to the next direction. He went on to give an example of Dangote not starting with plenty of products and some of his products are by-products, expanding their inflows. It is sales that keeps you in business, if you’re not selling you’re not doing business. That’s the reason passion is different from business. Sometimes one needs to drop passion and get to business and when there’s money you get back to passion.
This year is not a year to cut your coat according to your size. When a tailor has a lot of fabric he can play around it and not limit him more especially if there are designs on it, he cracks his head on how to bring out the beauty in it. God is saying he’s waiting for you, bring it on! He’s able. Get choked on God, it’s on him.
Some of us will have to step out of our comfort zone, its shallow waters. It’s time to do business with God on deep waters. It’s time to take the risk, life itself is a risk and not taking risk itself is a bigger risk.
He reiterated what he said last Sunday about complacency and contentment. He knows contentment when he sees one like complacency so we should know the difference in our lives.
A man that has contentment is the one that is joyful about where he is but not settled. He is not desperate, not looking for short cuts but willing to go through the process. He’s not under pressure, he has great desires but he’s enjoying the pace.
Simply put, contentment is working under the wall clock of God while not having contentment is working with your wall clock. Contentment celebrates other people’s joy sincerely.
Complacency is when a man has reached his bus stop. He questions himself where he’ll start from and when he’ll finish if he starts now. He’s relaxed at his achievements saying he’s not doing badly.
He summarized by encouraging us that God is not done with us yet, make things happen and God will back it up. Be more daring, commit yourself to growth, if we don’t start we won’t finish. Be smart with resources and don’t impress people that don’t see you. Our real life is different from the reels of life. Say less than you know, show less than you worth.