We are learning this because we want to serve God accurately. We want to do it properly. Having a clear understanding of the essence helps us to serve better.
The key and principal reason for kingdom service is that it is a response of God’s love to us. We live for him because his love compels us.
We also need to understand that whatever we may give cannot match what he has given or has done.
The Essence of Kingdom service helps us understand what God is looking forward to while he gave us a privilege to serve in his kingdom.
There are three basic reasons why anyone will engage in kingdom service:
It is for the EXPANSION OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Wherever we find ourselves and are engaged in Kingdom service, it is primarily for the expansion of the kingdom. That is the essence and we all need to understand it.
Mathew 9:27-28
What Jesus said to his disciples, he is saying to us that the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. In other words he is trying to tell us that there will never be a time the labourers will match the harvest.
To this end, the father is constantly recruiting labourers because the harvest is going to be much more than the workforce.
Consequently, wherever we find ourselves, we are working in the Lord’s vineyard, and contributing to the harvest.
When we talk about harvest, we are talking about soul winning. Everything we do directly or indirectly to facilitate soul winning and growth of saints in the local church is connected to the harvest. Having this understanding is important. Do not see anything you do as inferior to what others do, it actually sets the tone for the harvest.
Phillipians 1:12
Situations we encounter should not hinder the kingdom of God or the Gospel. Paul mentioned that what he faced culminated to the furtherance of the gospel. Our response to the situation is that we want the kingdom of God to progress.
If the occurrence doesn’t further the gospel, then it is hindering it. We should also ask ourselves if we are bringing furtherance or hindrance to the gospel.
Many observe our actions and inactions, and it must be used by God in the furtherance of the gospel. Paul, while he was in Prison overlooked his predicament and still reached out to men. He maintained his duty post, he was still labouring for the gospel. He saw it as an opportunity to reach out to those around him at the prison. Paul was not perturbed, he was focused on the gospel while in chains. He was optimistic about the situation.
The gospel must be preached. Wherever we find ourselves. It is a kingdom and militant mindset we should have concerning it.
We must be militant. While in prison, Paul was not perturbed. He said the Kingdom of God must prosper.
It was not something that he planned to happen but God has a way of turning it to the furtherance of the gospel.
Secondly, Kingdom service is an OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPLY WHAT IS LACKING in the journey of the believer in the light of the gospel.
The book of Colossians 1:24 -25
Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church:
Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God;
On the ground of what is lacking, Paul became a minister. Men do not have the accurate understanding of what Jesus Christ did for them. On the premise of this understanding he was made a minister to supply what the believers lack. This comes with equipping with the word of God.
Paul is always excited about what he went through and always took advantage of many situations. Paul said in it he became a minister for the word of God to be fully known among them.
As a believer we are called to supply what is lacking on the part of others in regard to them know fully what Christ has done for us.
Although, we are complete and rich in Christ. Salvation in Christ is instantaneous. Salvation happens by faith. However, growth happens with time. The day we became born again, the Lord wants us to have the full experience of why He died. This is the very reason He gave men as His gifts. Firstly, apostles, prophets, evangelists and then pastors and teachers, for the work of the ministry. The believers have to come to the full experience of what the Lord has done. On the premise of this he was made a minister. That is where our service comes in. It is a journey we have to come into- this is what is called the unity of faith in the book of Ephesians.
It is by no way our salvation is improved upon. Being a spiritual authority does not imply our salvation is to be improved upon. What the spiritual authority does in respective local churches is to help the saints to be aware and walk in what Christ has done.
Our salvation is not subject to improvement.
The responsibility of a Pastor is to help us to fully enjoy salvation. If we do not have this, there will not be any difference between an unbeliever and us.
Many believers are suffering just like unbelievers. Regardless of what ministry we are operating we must supply what is lacking. Spiritual songs helps, it amplifies to us, to understand what Christ has done for us. This could have not been caught via preaching but was caught unconsciously when the believers sing such reality.
Many believers have caught the light in the reality of God’s word through songs. Songs are powerful. They have a way of opening up the heart and soul. The reality will set in such a believers heart. In this light will come.
1 Thessalonians 3:9-11 For what thanks can we render to God again for you, for all the joy wherewith we joy for your sakes before our God;
Night and day praying exceedingly that we might see your face, and might perfect that which is lacking in your faith?
Now God himself and our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, direct our way unto you.
The word of God is taught in simplicity and consistently. This is because there are things lacking in the faith of the believers. Sometimes, a believer comes into the reality by watching the conduct and lifestyle of another believer. By virtues of friendship some believers have been able to tarry for long in the place of prayer. Some believers do not see that friendship is a platform for kingdom expansion. We do not need to wait to start preaching on the pulpit. There are places we get to, for example, our place of works, there are relationships that are intentional. We must begin to see them as gospel expansion. At times the environment may not permit us to preach to our friends. Our conduct and lifestyle will tell them about who the Lord is.
There are situations that give one the opportunity to demonstrate the life of God. There is always something lacking in the life of somebody, even the born again Christians. Yet, they don’t have a thorough understanding of God’s counsel and God’s might in an area of their life. You can supply it. You can supply it as a Sunday school teacher, chorister, etc.
Whatever you can do for a Church service to hold, is a form of supply. The question that should bother your heart is, “what am I supplying?” Whether it’s a visible service or not, it’s a supply. If you pray in your closet for service every Sunday, you have supplied. Don’t undermine what you can do on your knees, in your closet. You are supplying.
Apostle Paul was in trouble at some point and he told the people, “I know this will turn for my deliverance by your prayer and the supply of your spirit.” What this means is that as we pray, the supply of the spirit will come. Praying is a platform and vehicle for supplying.
Paul perhaps was going through depression, but he believed that when men pray, deliverance comes. In Philippians 1:19, we see that Paul always believed that things will turn. He said “I know, things will turn.” He was so sure. You can actually supply what is lacking. For someone, what is lacking could be discouragement. There is no small service in the Kingdom. So keep supplying in prayer. There is a way we ought to pray for utterance to be given.
3) For THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SAINTS IN THE WILL OF GOD. For men to be tossed to and fro by any wind of doctrine, to come to a place of stability and a place of assurance in God. That’s why we should pray for people such that they will be able to stand complete and perfect in the will of God.
Colossians 4:12
This was the prayer of Epaphras, for the supply of grace, encouragement, for the eyes of their understanding to be opened, to understand the depth, the width, the length and the height of the love of God. Epaphras has been under the teaching of Paul, so the bible says he prayed fervently, laboring for the saints. He couldn’t preach like Paul, but he could pray the saints into the truth, for them to be immersed and walk in their realities in Christ.
Now that we have established the essence of the kingdom service, let’s look at ways where one can be effective in kingdom service:
1) You must ask God to show you your area of service or assignment. That’s the only way you can be effective. You can’t be a jack of all trades. You may have the grace for plenty of things, but there will be an area God is calling you into.
That you are a singer in church doesn’t make you lesser than the preacher. The Bible talks about one calling, one faith, one hope and that calling is Christ. So we give expressions of Christ on different platforms of our gifting and talents.
In Acts 9: 6 we see where Saul asked the Lord “what will you have me do?” He did not want to run somebody else’s race.
Act 9: 6-19 That was the encounter of Saul on his way to Damascus.
Saul ask “Lord what do you have me do? This was somebody that just had an encounter with the Lord and had a 360 degree experience. Saul started on the right track, he was not running somebody else race.He ran his race well. From day one he asked what the Lord will have him do and the Lord was interested in giving answer to that question.
He was deliberate and intentional to know what he will be doing on this journey. And the Lord answered him. The relationship that started between God and Saul took some believer years to have.
God gave answer to Ananias concerning Saul’s question “Lord what will you have me do?”. He told Ananias that Saul was a Choosen vessel and he will bear God’s name before the gentiles, kings and the children of Israel. Act 9:15.
Many of us did not ask God that “LORD WHAT WILL YOU HAVE ME DO?”before we started and yet we are not still asking, some of us asked but we are not still asking again. This conversation “LORD WHAT WILL YOU HAVE ME DO?” is a continuous question, it’s not a one-off question because “God said” may not mean “God is saying”. Sometimes God said a thing and he has moved so he want you to check up with him.
There is a need for consistent and continuous checking up with the Lord. Don’t love the work more than the owner of the work. Let your devotion be to the owner of the work. Let’s constantly check up with the Lord.
WHAT GOD SAID IS GOOD BUT WHAT GOD IS SAYING IS SUPERIOR. And we must constantly check, that is the only way we can be effective. Our effectiveness is tied to what God is saying.
So we must understand that we need to know what we have to do for us to be effective so that you will not be running somebody else race. Paul was severally beaten by the Jews, he was never beaten by the Gentiles. He was sent to the gentiles so whenever zeal took him to the Jew, he was always beaten. Actually Peter was sent to the Jews and Paul to the Gentiles. It is their scope that is different.
The Bible says Paul planted, Appollos watered and God gave the increase. There is something meant for Paul and something meant for appollos. But the same God, one calling.
In conclusion, Just know what the Lord will have you do and do it well, don’t compare notes. Stay on your lane, it is God that gives increase. It is required for a steward to be found faithful. Faithfulness precede your competence in Kingdom service.