Service is one major aspect of our faith and it may come in different capacities. It is a realisation of the sacrifice of Jesus that brings a man to that accurate understanding of what Kingdom Service is all about; no one will serve correctly. People can serve with different motives. The most important thing is that we come to a point where we understand the weight of the sacrifice of Jesus. This is the point Paul got to that he said, we no longer live for ourselves but unto him who died for us. Living for Jesus connotes service. It is a point where we recognize the worth and the weight of Jesus going to the cross dawns on us that we say, we can’t live for ourselves but for him. 

Doing so can be translated to giving ourselves to our King, Jesus. Therefore, if we are living for our King, His kingdom will be a priority for us. We will be compelled by his love. Our zeal for his kingdom will be fueled by his love.

We do not necessarily serve God to be blessed with material things. The commitment of people to kingdom service is most times not authentic or accurate because their benefits come first. On the other hand, we serve God with an understanding that it is not the blessings that come first. We rather serve because he went the extra mile for us.

Knowing that whatever we do in terms of service can never match what he did for us. 

Consequently, kingdom service is A RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE.. We love him  because he first loved us. Our love hinges on this condition. God loved us that he gave his only son.

1 John 4:19, John 3:16.

We boast more in the fact that he loves us and that became the platform for our service. 

Secondly, our kingdom service is a PROOF OF OUR DEDICATION and COMMITMENT.

John 4:5-8, 31-34, 

Jesus had a fueling system which reflected when he spoke to the woman by Jacob’s well. He was tired and weary but when it was time to do the will of the father, he got strength to serve. 

He told his disciples that there is a food he has that they don’t know about. He spoke of the zeal of his gathered Boise that he was consumed with. 

The zeal for God’s people today is redemption. That men will come into the will of God and be well grounded and established in the truth.

In addition to that, Kingdom Service is a PROOF OF OUR SUBMISSION.

Matthew 10:24

“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master.”

Our master is the one that died for us. He is our Lord and King. 

Matthew 24:45-46

Masters place servants over a responsibility. In whatever capacity we are placed, our primary assignment is to feed men with knowledge above all else that we do in the kingdom. To this end, we are expected to be found at our duty post carrying out the bidding of our master. 

There is an understanding that we have a master we are subject to. Therefore, we have to be submissive to his authority.

We understand the principle of kingdom service, and this is wrapped around the understanding that we must be submitted. Without this our service will never be authentic and accurate. The Bible says, ”the disciple cannot be above His master.”

The word says we are going to produce fruit in our own season. We do not have to get it. We do not determine it. He determines it.

We must not have the mindset that no one can control us and that we are not being paid. 

This is where we will understand that we are under a master. It is not a master to slave thing when it comes to pastoring a church. The pastor and his flock are servants. Nobody among us is a servant. All of us are servants. 

Although, God has given them oversight over the church. Before the Lord, the pastor is not a master. We cannot have two masters. They also serve. That is why we do not bring position and authority to church. That is why we do not bring the matter of age to Church. We do not function as a servant if we do so. 

That is why it is not permitted before the Lord. That is why Kingdom service comes with a huge sense of submission.  If this is not accurately understood they will assume it is only the Pastor’s job. This is why the scripture says, “whatsoever, “we do, we should do even as unto the Lord. 

In fact we will be waiting for others to perform our responsibility. 

There should be a reverence. We should be grateful that we are held accountable. It is corruption and distortion to have thought to punish a member corporally. There is something wrong with such a mindset.. 

Authentic and accurate service and understanding of service. We have a master. It is on His bidding. It is not on our terms. Jesus said He can do nothing. He said he speaks as he heard from the Father

Even Jesus was conscious and submitted. 


Luke 12:23. Kingdom service is a proof of our identity and priority. 

Kingdom service is a proof of our value and priority. If we have not gotten to a point that they are using us in church we are not sincerely serving the Lord. 

Luke 12:43

Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.

We do not have to die in church to say our hearts are there. We must not say that the reason why we are progressing is because of church. It is not that we have gone back to school that will make us a backslider. We know where our heart and the Lord knows too. 

Even while we are serving the Lord our heart must not stand still. We must not treat it as contempt. 

We cannot say we have actually understood the weight and worth of the sacrifice and not be sold out. Being sold out for Jesus is not abandoning work and life to Jesus. If we are committed we will know. How we know a believer is committed is the way he manages his resources. 

This is not just about money. Resources would also mean time, energy and talent.

 How we administer them and where they flow to is a function of where our heart is. 

Kingdom service is a proof of our value, proof of our priority. People sing about their love for God but if you take a closer look at their lives, you will hardly find a sign of the love of God. An analysis of your expenditures, the way you spend your time, how you expend your energy, is a pointer to where your heart is. 

We should get to a point where as our salary is coming in we set a sum aside for partnership with ministry, missionaries, giving to the church. What should our mentality be when it comes to kingdom service, because where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is.

You can’t separate your treasure from your heart, or your heart from your treasure. Where is your heart? Everything flows in the direction of where your heart is, your time, money and energy. 

Some people are only passionate about their jobs, improving their careers at the expense of service to God. Everyone must have a missionary mindset and mentality. The scripture compared us to soldiers, athletes and farmers. It is meant for us to understand that there is no excuse for us in the Kingdom not to do the bidding of our father. 

Moreso, KINGDOM SERVICE IS GOD’S GIVEN PRIVILEGE. In Hebrews 5:4, we see that it’s a privilege to be in the service of God.

What that means is that it is a privilege to be in the service for our king and his kingdom. One of the things that also make people not to have authentic or  accurate service in the kingdom is that they feel it is a right or it is a position that they qualify for. They feel they are gifted or  talented. But the truth is that there is nothing we do around the kingdom that is not a privilege. God has children.

God’s purpose or work can never be stranded. 

Instead of God’s work or purpose to be stranded, there will be replacement. So, that should put some caution  or  reference in us that God has backup.

Apostle Paul will say he thank God for counting him worthy. It is a privilege. Kingdom service is God’s-given privilege. Not because you are the wisest of all men. As a matter of fact, God use the foolish or  weak things of the world. That is what God like to use. He doesn’t like to use strongmen as they were. If he uses strong men they will brag. He doesn’t like to use men that carry too much sense, he like to use foolish people that will confuse you because you know his rate of foolishness. And we have seen God use people who are not schooled or  educated as it were and he turned them around.

Peter and John were classified as ignorant or unlearned or uneducated men but there was one things they could not take away from them is that they have been with Jesus. These were men that look as if they were untrained or unlearned or uneducated or ignorant men but they were used mightily that the shadow of Peter healed men.

Finally, KINGDOM SERVICE IS A PLATFORM TO EXERCISE THE GRACE OF GOD and as we exercise the Grace of God, it leads to growth and advancement in our ministry or God’s assignment over our life. 

Kingdom Service gives people opportunity to grow. It serves as a platform to develop. So if you Dodge and run away from kingdom service, it means you don’t actually want to grow as you ought to grow.

Don’t despise any opportunity the Lord give you to serve in the Kingdom. Grab it and use it well. It will never leave you the same.

Everybody has a starting point,  so don’t despise that little beginning or place. 

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