Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;

Romans 12:12 (NKJV)

Believers are charged to live holding on to God’s word because he doesn’t fail as there is always a waiting time concerning the fulfilment of prophecies.

When we pray most times, there are three dimensions: our answers may come.

It is either a YES, a NO or WAIT!. Many believers find it difficult to wait. Whereas our fathers of faith waited for years before the prophecies that have gone ahead of them get fulfilled.

We are expected to always find out from God what his purpose is concerning any enterprise we want to be involved in. It is required that we know his mind because he already had his scripts concerning us written down.

Jeremiah 1:5

We should always be swift to find out what he is saying now…When the scriptures say we should rejoice in hope, it means that we should look forward to that word that has gone ahead of us knowing that it will come to pass even when it delays.

Hoping in God’s word helps us to stay patient. To remain patient we have to remain with who has spoken concerning us. We find strength to wait when we hold on to him.

When disc  Bouragement comes but it finds us in the waiting room, our strength will not be sapped. God is too faithful to fail.

He has never failed and will never fail. We only get disappointed when we leave the waiting room yet, he is ever true to his word. 

The waiting room is a place where we are built up. 

The waiting time is the period between the time when a prophecy comes to us and the time for the manifestation of that prophecy. The period varies from one man to another. For one the period might be long, for another, it might be short, but will definitely come to pass if we wait. Waiting time is the time when you seek the face of God concerning an issue and the time when the answer comes.

Waiting time is proportional to the time when the answers to prayers will be received.

Every Christian needs to have hope in the promises of the Lord. Jesus beckoned on Peter to come when he was on water. Prior to that time, Peter had not seen anyone walk on water except Jesus, but because the word came from Jesus, he held onto the word, and  walked on water. He blocked off all of his human senses

Peter believed in the word of God, that’s the same way we need to put our hope in every prophecy that comes to us. Abraham means father of many nations but he remained childless for 25 years even after the promise.

Some people receive prophecy directly, others receive from the word of God preached or from studying the Bible. Whichever way the word comes, hold on to it. Celebrate with others who have received the manifestation of their prophecies.

The waiting room is a place where we are built up, where we receive inspiration and tap into the mind of God to know exactly the blueprints of our life. It’s one thing to receive the prophecy and it’s another thing to know the steps to follow to achieve the prophecy. If you don’t know the steps to follow you may miss it.

God will not reveal everything about your destiny at once. We are to keep walking with him and he begins to reveal them on a daily basis. Even when people around mock you, your faith remains rooted in God because you know what he told you in the waiting room. You may look the same outwardly but inwardly something is happening. You never remain the same. A day is coming when an explosion will occur.

Let’s take time to wait upon God for what he has spoken to come to pass.

We develop these 3 things in the waiting room:

1) We develop hope

2) We develop patience

3) Prayer

Keep engaging God and keep receiving strength.

Hebrews 12:2

The Bible speaks of Jesus and how he waited even through prayer for the glory that was set ahead of him. Before the glory there was shame.  Before the glory there were things that may have stopped Him. 

Most of us are tired. Most of us need to put our a

Gaze on the Lord so that our faith may be activated. Just as vision differs from one person to another so as is our waiting period. 

Just as a vision is different from each other, so is the waiting period. The greater the vision the greater the waiting period. 

A waiting period is not a wasting period but a difficult season in the life of a man. When we shift our focus off the prophecy and promises, there may be problems. This is because when we keep beholding Him, we draw strength because the word of God is our mirror. The more we grow, the more developed we are. Things that get us easily agitated will not make us get agitated again. If there is a mission to be accomplished then there should be a waiting. 

During your waiting period, it may look as if we are in the same spot and nothing is changing concerning our lives. We must not give up till God will meet us. 

This is why we need to spend good times in the place of prayer. We serve a faithful God. Physically we may be in the same place but, spiritually we are rooted. The next thing we should do now is to bring forth fruit. It demands our waiting. It is a gradual process. The root we see gets to the ground gradually. This is why when we see people we must not judge them by what they are seeing. 

Jeremiah 17:17  Be not a terror unto me: thou art my hope in the day of evil.

Bless is the man that trusts in the Lord. 

This is why we must trust that everything we are hoping for must be from the Lord. Everything we are hoping for must be from him.. Let your hope not be in your next of kin. It is people that the Lord will send, however we must not put our hope in them. 

Our intellectual knowledge of God cannot take us anywhere in life. However, the experiential knowledge is of paramount importance. It is practical knowledge. Until we get to that point as Christians we have not started the knowledge. It is the knowledge we must experience daily.

A lot is happening in our lives. We may not be seeing them. Paul wrote to Timothy to wage a good war. Paul was reminding Timothy of the war he must wage against. 

Jesus has accomplished all on the cross of Calvary. This is what Paul told Timothy to wage with against the wiles of the devil. 

1 Timothy 1:18

God wants us to put our trust and hope in him and the perfect work on the cross of Calvary. We need to align ourselves to the perfect work of Christ. Waiting time varies depending on the vision or the promises the Lord has given. Abraham waited for twenty five years for the promised child to come.

Genesis 21:1-2

Noah waited for 130 years from the time God spoke to him to the time of the fulfilment of the word of God.

Genesis 7

Because what happened in Noah’s case has never happened before. Nobody has ever seen rain fall, nobody has never seen a ship before not to talk of building it in the days of Noah and God gave him the structure and he built it according to the Pattern.

God told Anna that she will not die until she sees the saviour and she waited fo 84 years.

Luke 2:36-38

There is always a waiting time. Waiting time is not a wasted time. It is a time to be built up in the Lord. Even our Lord Jesus waited for 30 years before he started the ministry placed in his hand. Our case is not different. We need to wait.

Challenges will come, it is left to us to put our trust in what Christ has done on the cross. Victory is ours always.

Let’s learn from this: Elephants are pregnant for 22 months before delivery while dogs are pregnant for 2 months before delivery. Both of them deliver but what they deliver is different. Sometimes what God has given to you as a vision is different from what God gave as a vision to another man. So why comparing yourself to another person.

2 Corinthians 10:12 NKJV “For we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.”

Hold on to the worth of your vision. Jesus suffered everything because of the glory set before him. There is always a glory set before us, let us wait for it.

Your vision determines your waiting time. A grown up dog cannot stand before a calf. What is coming out of you is great. Don’t be disappointed or discouraged because of what is happening around you now. God is taking you to greater heights.

When you see people rejoicing/celebrating, rejoice with them. There is a promised land to attain that flows with milk and honey and we all have a promised land reserved for us. 

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